2024: Chief Scott Griffith 2023: Elayne Dunlap 2022: Lee Mainwaring 2021: Randall Flint 2020: Covid 2019: Georgene Gross 2018: Dave Puterbaugh 2017: Judge Robert Lavery 2016: Jimmy & The Soulblazers 2015: Toni Middleton 2014: Dr. Richard & Sandra Giese 2013: Richard Duro 2012: John and Karen Blaser 2011: Ginny Daniel 2010: Mark Locke 2009: Attorney Mike Ogline 2008: Harry Paidas 2007: Dr. Charles McClaugherty 2006: Arnold Hirvela, Jr. 2005: Dr. Gloria Malone 2004: Dr. Daniel A. Kibler 2003: Jack and Madge Peters 2002: Attorney W. John Gross 2001: Joseph A. Zelasko, Jr. 2000: Barbara Nicholson 1999: John Benincasa 1998: Mayor Julius Tonges 1997: Mark Philippi 1996: Vance and Louise O'Donnell 1995: Dr. Harold Kolenbrander 1994: Oliver Distefano and Major Jean Manhollan 1993: Joe Mastroianni 1992: John Robertson 1991: Charles Grove 1990: R. D. Williams 1989: Ralph Hunt 1988: R.G. Hamrick
*In 2020 the Greater Alliance Carnation Festival was cancelled due to the global Coronavirus pandemic and social-distancing guidelines.